Company Name Search

Company Name Search

WLC is involved in browsing the companys name, activity, age and location etc. it helps you to find a suitable name for your company which has not been used by any other business and also which doesnt violate or infringe any copyrights.

Rules for finding name of the company are-

1) Unique Component- like Myntra is a business with unique component. No person can start new business by adding any prefix or suffix to it. Similar sounding words or

2) Blacklist- adjectives, general words or abbreviated words are nopt approved by the registrar.

3) No Common Trademark- The trademark should normally not be common. If you are having one, you should have the no objection certificate from the owner authorising you to use it.

4) Descriptive Component- The words of the company shall be either self-indicative or should create an impression about the working of the company. For eg. Box Meals is a company by which the idea is created about food business.