It is a kind of licensed innovation security, under which a word or visual image utilized by a business to recognize its products or administrations from other comparative merchandise or administrations beginning from an alternate business can be ensured. To enroll a trademark, a trademark application must be documented by the candidate with the significant Trade Mark Registrar in the endorsed configuration. When a trademark application is recorded, the Trade Marks Registrar would process the application. On the off chance that any worries are noted on the trademark application, the Examiner would stamp the application as Formalities Check Fail and demand amendment of the trademark application. In the event that there are no worries, the Trademark Examiner could likewise take into consideration the trademark application to be promoted before enlistment or raise a protest for enrolment. Thus, in cases wherein the Trade Mark Registrar denotes the application as Formalities Check Fail or Send Back to EDP, the candidate has a chance to redress and resubmit the trademark application. The amendment deed to the Trademark Examiners note must be readied dependent on the reasons and realities with respect to why the stamp was not took into consideration further preparing. On the off chance that the Trademark Examiner finds the amendment adequate and addresses every one of the worries raised by him/her, application is permitted to be handled and set apart for examination by a Trademark Examiner for getting ready Trademark Examination Report.