Application for taking an extract from the register of copyright
Copyright is an Exclusive Right given to the Owner or Author of an Intellectual Property. The Intellectual Property includes any literary, artistic, educational, musical, or any other form of Creative or Original Work. This right is given to the Owner or Author for a limited time and It protects the Right of the Owner or Author in case of any Infringement. A Copyright can be granted for original work created by the Owner by using independent thinking. The Copyright protection is not granted for ideas, techniques, etc a work must have the following key ingredients that are necessary for a work to qualify as an original work:
(i) Originality as per the expression of thoughts in writing.
(ii) Creative
(iii) Tangible.
Once completely satisfied with the copyright claim made by the applicant, the Registrar of Copyrights would enter the details of the copyright into the register of copyrights and issue a certificate of registration. The process of registration of copyright is completed when the applicant is issued the Extracts of the Register of Copyrights (ROC), which is nothing but the Registration Certificate.
Copies and extracts of the Register of Copyrights and Indexes –
(1) Any person shall be entitled to make copies of, or make extracts from, the Register of Copyrights or Indexes on payment of the fee specified in the Second Schedule subject to such supervision as the Registrar of Copyrights may arrange.
(2) The Registrar of Copyrights shall, on an application made on that behalf and on payment of the fee specified in the Second Schedule, furnish a certified copy of any entries made in the Register of Copyrights and Indexes thereof.
Process followed by White Code Legal:
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