Intellectual Property / Trademark / Trademark Application Preparation and Filing in one

Trademark application preparation and filing in one class

A trademark is the unique identity of a business that helps the product and the service standout from other products. It can be in the form of a photograph, logo, word or a combination of color and graphics. It is imperative to get these unique identities registered, as it is the ‘Intellectual Property’ of the business. Registering a trademark allows a company to protect their brand from trademark infringement. 

The Trademarks Act, 1999 was enacted by the Government of India to protect the users of trademarks. It aims at protecting the trademark users and providing legal remedies if their rights are infringed. Trademark helps in identifying the true owner of the product/service; and it protects the trademark user from Trademark Piracy by preventing any unauthorized usage of it by anyone apart from the owners of the product/service. 

Why is registration of Trademark important?

  • Exclusive Rights: - The owner of a Trademark which is registered enjoys a sole ownership over the registered trademark, and also is empowered to stop others from the unauthorized use of the Trademark.
  • Differentiates Product/Service: - Registering a Trademark makes it easy for the customers to differentiate your product/service from others. 
  • Builds Trust and Goodwill: - Since Trademark gives a product/service an identity, it helps a company to establish goodwill and trust in the market. 
  • Protection Against Infringement: - Registering a Trademark accords protection upon the owner of the Trademark, and stops competitors and other organizations from using it. 

Process of preparing application and filing:

  1. After the trademark search is completed, the company must prepare certain documents for registration.
  2. Firstly, it must prepare an affidavit in which the trademark owner will confirm that the proposed trademark is owned by them. Secondly, it must draft a Power of Attorney in favour of the trademark agent for the purposes of registering the trademark.
  3. The above-mentioned documents must be duly signed by the trademark owner, printed on stamp and must be notarized.
  4. The trademark owner must ensure that they fill Form TM-1 in order to register collective marks for goods in any one class.
  5. They should provide a brief description of the company’s services and goods in the application form.

Requirements for filing the application form:

  1. Aadhar card and a PAN card of the trademark owner.
  2. Registered address of the business.
  3. Brand name and the logo which is in Jpeg form.
  4. Proof for the usage of the trademark, in case the trademark is already being used by the Company.
  5. The list of goods and services for which registration is required.
  6. In case the trademark is already in use, the date of first use must be mentioned.

Service Delivery Process followed by White Code Legal:

  1. The Client has to register themselves on our website.
  2. Once the Client is registered, we raise a Service Request.
  3. The Client receives a proforma invoice with an option to confirm and pay now or pay later
  4. Once the Client confirms, our dedicated relationship manager liaisons with our experts and clients shares a list of client information required to deliver the service.
  5. Once we receive the information, we take the required steps to deliver the service and the service request is closed.

Service Inclusions

  • Professional Fees

Service Exclusions

  • GST, Government Fee and other Additional Taxes

Why White Code Legal?

At White Code Legal we prioritize and always strive to deliver client satisfaction. Keeping focus on maintaining affordable prices and delivering excellence we aim to make worth every penny our clients spend with us, and build a lasting relationship with them.

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