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Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2020-12-29 19:00     Views : 321

A service contract component between a customer and a service provider is called a service level agreement. It outlines the details of a transaction that has occurred between 2 parties. It is also known as an operating level agreement, it is called so when the agreement is used in an organization without any formal relationship between provider and customer. A service level agreement is widely used in markets and industries.

Service level agreement has specific details and scope of provided service, it includes priorities from our responsibilities and guarantees. The agreement is Descriptive and includes detailed problem management procedures, it has detailed fees and expenses. Service legal agreement explains whether it is informal or legally binding and what are the custom duties and liabilities. Service level agreement includes specific, expected, and measurable services at minimum or target level.

A service level agreement includes a summary of agreement, goals of both parties, needs and wants by both parties, point of contact, consequences of a breach of agreement or non-performance, compensation, conditions of cancellation etcetera.

3 types of service level agreement are Customer based service level agreement, service-based service level agreement, and multi-level service level agreement. Multi-level SLA addresses corporate level, customer level come up and service level agreement.

A customer-based SLA Comprises of all relevant services that a client will need to ask for this type of agreement Is used for individual customers. The agreement contains details of the service that has been agreed upon by both the parties, the details will consist of information regarding the type and quality of the service.

A service-based SLA Has identical service for every customer and it is limited to unchanging standards. It is convenient for vendors and straightforward. The end-users sign for service-based SLA will have the same service for everyone.

Multi-level SLA Is a customized agreement, it will change according to the needs of end-users and allows them to integrate several conditions in the same system which creates a more suitable service. It has 3 levels that are corporate level, customer level, and service level. At the service level, The aspects that are attributed to a particular service are all grouped and everything is included. At the customer level, all the service issues are discussed that are specific to a group of customers. At a corporate level, general issues are dealt with, and it does not require frequent updates It applies to all customers in the end-user organization and the same throughout the entire organization.



This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being.

Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2020-12-29 19:00