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E-Commerce and the 21st Century Business Era

Courtesy/By: Snehal Walia | 2020-04-15 18:34     Views : 292


The term E-Commerce simply refers to the selling of goods and services through electronic mediums. The e-commerce has grown to become a well-established and popular industry in a developing country like India. Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, Myntra, Snapdeal etc. are some of the most popular e-commerce sites websites in India. With India recording the second highest number of internet users in the world, the e-commerce industry holds a great importance in defining the narrative of the Indian market in the present times.

The e-commerce industry can be categorised into the following types:

  1. Business to Business (B2B)

The B2B e-commerce refers the selling and buying goods and services between different business entities through online sales medium. It help in improving the efficiency of delivery of goods and services, reduces the costs of intermediaries, providing the after sale services etc.

  1. Business to Consumer (B2C)

The B2C e-commerce is the exchange between consumer and the business houses in which the consumers buy goods and services through an online sales portals like Amazon, Flipkart etc. instead of following the traditional way of buying and selling.

  1. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

The C2C refers to the relationship or exchange between the consumers that takes place to enable the consumers to sell their goods on an online platform. eBay, Craiglist etc. are the examples of C2C e-commerce platforms.

  1. Consumer to Business (C2B)

This e-commerce model is a relatively new entity and helps the consumers to sell their goods and services to the business houses.

  1. Consumer to Administration (C2A)

This set-ups like allows the consumer in developing direct communication link with the public administration.

  1. Business to Administration (B2A)

The B2A models like Accela helps in developing a communication link between the business, companies etc. and the public administration.

It is important to understand that these e-commerce entities not only help the businesses in improving their performance but also contribute to the economic development in the country as they help in promoting the sale and purchase of goods and services in the global market

Courtesy/By: Snehal Walia | 2020-04-15 18:34