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Courtesy/By: Sushma Shivaswamy Gowda | 2020-04-16 23:37     Views : 323




It helps infiltration of the people who have been living in India Legally and Illegally, to send them back where they have come from or to detain them in large detention centre. It is already implemented in Assam.

In this one need to give documentary proof of ancestors. Hundreds of NRC Seva kendras were set to verify the documents under Apex court.


Article 15(2) of universal Declaration human rights (UDHR).


Its purpose is to provide legal citizen citizenship to legally claim people and deport the illegal citizen from the country. It will implement in the rest of the country by 2021 which was declared on 19 November 2019 in Rajya Sabha by Amit Shah.

During the process if any person in doubt should be considered remarked in register, they must be given reasonable opportunity of being heard in the particular territorial limit it should be finalized within period of 90 days.

One of the first step is government spending 3941 crore in implementation of NRC.



Detention centre which is almost complete which is made up of 15 four-storey structure for 200 inmates with 20-22 feet high boundary  and wall, 6 toilet blocks each with 15 toilets and equal number of bathrooms.

There will be about 10 detention center in Assam and NRC will Exclude at least 6% of population.


 Majority illegal immigrant came to India from Pakistan Before 1991 and next country is Bangladesh. Because of this it is one of the reason of partition and war in 1971.

Hindu women’s are not safe in Pakistan. They were forced and tortured to get convert into Islamic community, Either through in the form of marriage or in the form of oath. And it had become necessary to safeguard our country from such heinous thing.

Estimating the number of illegal immigrant is like guessing black money in the country. And by the thinking that it will turn India into majoritarian state.

There has been protest in Jamia Millia university Islamia university and more Then 25 protestor lost their life’s especially in the state like Uttar Pradesh. and for many days internet communication had been suspended in various part of country by Narendra Modi.

 It is been stated that why government only choose 3 islamic country. If Afghanistan is the Neighbouring country then why not they took into the consideration Myanmar or other South-Asian Countries.

Another point is BJP (bhartiya Janta Party) states that persecuted Muslim people can go to many Countries, then why Bring Christians and Buddhist as such community people to have many countries.



Bjp slammed opposing party for fueling unrest in the country. Modi told in public center that “that they will not take steps back on CAA”

This amendment will not be applicable in tribal areas as per sixth schedule of the constitution.

In Simple words in no way a persecuted Muslim illegal immigrants can get citizenship. As there are many Islamic countries where Muslims can lead their life.


Courtesy/By: Sushma Shivaswamy Gowda | 2020-04-16 23:37