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Money: Functions of Money

Courtesy/By: Dorothy Baruah | 2021-05-25 17:05     Views : 440

Money: Functions of Money


Money could be a conception that we tend to all perceive; however, that is tough to outline precisely. Cash is any smart that's widely used and accepted in transactions involving the transfer of products and services from one person to another. Economists differentiate among three different types of money: Trade goods money, fiat money, and bank cash.

Functions of Money:

  • Money because the Medium of Exchange:

The money came into use to get rid of the inconveniences of barter as money has separated the act of purchase from the sale. The medium of exchange is that the basic or primary performance of money. Folks exchange goods and services through the medium of money. Capital acts as a medium of exchange or as a medium of payments. It is solely an associate intermediator.

The use of money facilitates exchange. Exchange promotes specialisation will increase productivity and potency. A good measure is, therefore, of vast utility to human society.

  • Money as a Unit of Account or Measure of Value:

Money is a unit of account or a life of import. Money is that the measure, i.e., it is the companies in terms of that the values of different goods and services are measured in money terms and expressed consequently totally different goods produced within the country are measured in several units like cloth m meters, milk in litres and sugar in kilograms.

Without a standard unit, the exchange of goods becomes very tough Values of all goods and services are expressed simply in a single company known as money.

The measure of money is additionally indispensable to all or any sorts of economic planning. Consumers compare the values of different purchases m terms of money. Producers additionally compare the importance of various purchases m terms of money. Producers compare the relative costliness of the factors of production in terms of money and further set up their output on the premise of the money yield. It is, therefore, extremely vital that the worth of money ought to be stable.

  • Money because of the standard of deferred Payments:

Deferred payments are payments that are created it slow within the future. Debts are sometimes expressed in terms of the money of account. Loans are taken and repaid in terms of money.

The use of money as the standard of deterred or delayed payments vastly simplifies borrowing and disposition operations due to cash typically maintaining a continuing price through time. Thus, money facilitates capital markets and monetary intermediaries like the stock market, investment trust, and Banks.

  • Money as a Store of Value:

Wealth is stored in terms of money for the future. It is a store value of goods in liquid form. By outlay it, we will get any trade goods in future.

People thus commonly want to stay a region of their wealth within cash due to savings in terms of products is incredibly tough. This want is understood as liquidity preference. Money is that the best form of store of value. Wheat or the other product which can command a value cannot be stored for an extended period.

Another perform ‘Liquidity of Money,’ is accessorial recently. Money is perfectly liquid. Liquidity suggests that exchangeability into cash. Thus, the power to convert the associate asset into cash quickly and without loss of value is named liquidity of an investment. Modern economists are parturition stress on the liquidity of money.

Money, thus, acts as a common medium of exchange, a standard measure of value, as the standard of deferred payments, and a store of value.



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Courtesy/By: Dorothy Baruah | 2021-05-25 17:05