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Malicious Prosecution : Under Law of Torts

Courtesy/By: Dorothy Baruah | 2021-06-01 01:17     Views : 577


Proceedings instituted maliciously could embrace not solely malicious prosecution and malicious arrest however additionally malicious bankruptcy and liquidation continuing (civil proceedings), malicious execution of method against property, and malicious search. Malicious prosecution is that the evil intention of unsuccessful criminal or bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings against another while not affordable or grounds.
In the case of province State Electricity Board v. Dilip Kumar Ray, the Court outlined the term “malicious prosecution” within the following words:-
“A legal proceeding instituted by one person against another, from wrongful or improper motive and while not grounds to sustain it's a malicious prosecution.”
The Court within the same case ordered down the excellence between “an action for malicious prosecution” and “an action for abuse of process” within the following words:-
“A malicious prosecution consists in maliciously inflicting method to be issued, whereas associate degree abuse of method is that the employment of legal method for a few purpose aside from that that it absolutely was meant by the law to have an effect on the improper use of an often issued method.”

Essential components OF Malicious Prosecution:

Following are the essential components that the litigator is needed to prove during a suit for damages for malicious prosecution:-
• Prosecution by the defendant.
• Absence of reasonable and probable cause.
• Defendant acted maliciously.
• Termination of proceedings in favour of the plaintiff.
• Plaintiff suffered damage as a result of the prosecution.
• Prosecution by the defendant

The plaintiff's primary essential part is to prove during a suit for damages for malicious prosecution because the suspect prosecuted him (plaintiff). The word “prosecution” carries a broader sense than an endeavour and includes criminal proceedings using attractiveness or revision. Within the case of Musa Yakum v. Manilal, it was a command that it's no excuse for the suspect that he instituted the prosecution below the Court's order if the defendant’s false proof enraptured the Court to relinquish the order.

Absence of affordable and grounds

In a suit for damages for malicious prosecution, the defendant has additionally needed to prove that the suspect prosecuted him while not affordable and grounds. The question regarding the wish of reasonable and grounds during a suit for malicious prosecution ought to be selected all facts before the Court. Within the case of Antarajami Sharma v. Padma Bewa, it's been aforementioned that law is settled that during a case of damages for malicious prosecution, the concern of proof of the absence of affordable and probable clause rests on the plaintiff.

The defendant acted maliciously:-

In the case of Bank of India v. Lekshmi Das, the Court reiterated the Indian position that in malice absence of a probable and affordable cause should be proven. The proceedings complained of by the litigator should be initiated malicious spirit that's from an indirect and improper motive and not in furtherance of justice. Malice could also be inferred upon proof of the absence of honest belief within the accusation, and resultant want of affordable and grounds for instituting the prosecution complained of.

Termination of proceedings within the favour of the plaintiff:-

In a suit for damages for malicious prosecution, it's essential to point out that the proceedings complained of terminated in favour of the plaintiff. Termination favouring the plaintiff doesn't mean the judicial determination of his innocence; it suggests the absence of a judicial finding of his guilt. Malice need not be a sense of enmity, spite or unwellness can or spirit of payback; however, it is often an improper purpose that motivates the public prosecutor to realise a personal collateral advantage.
No action is often brought once the prosecution or the proceedings are still unfinished. It's a rule of law that nobody shall assert a still incomplete suit that is unjust.



This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being. Further, despite all efforts made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published, White Code Legal and Tax shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to human error or otherwise.


Courtesy/By: Dorothy Baruah | 2021-06-01 01:17