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India Demands Equal Opportunities In United Nations Security Council

Courtesy/By: PARAM SAKET SARANG | 2024-02-18 01:42     Views : 260

India Demands Equal Opportunities In United Nations Security Council



Ruchira Kamboj asked how long the interests of five members of the UN Security Council would continue to take precedence over those of 188 other countries, and she stated her desire for reforms in the body. This has to be changed.

According to India, all countries ought to have equitable access to UN possibilities. She claims that past injustices faced by the Global South must be immediately addressed. She pushed for changes to the UN Security Council, including more countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as more permanent and non-permanent members. Ruchira Kamboj asked how long the interests of five members of the UN Security Council would continue to take precedence over those of 188 other countries, and she stated her desire for reforms in the body. This has to be changed.

Despite these changed circumstances, India's aspirations have been ignored for decades. Once again, the Indian representative educated the five permanent members of the UN directly from the UN platform. India questioned how long the 188 countries' wishes would be disregarded by the five permanent members.


China Is Against The Demand

Equal possibilities should be given to weaker countries, in Kamboj's opinion, so that decisions can be made that would benefit everyone. She claims that these upgrades will advance equality. The number of permanent and non-permanent members of the UN Security Council is mentioned in her statement that "India supports comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council." To guarantee that no country experiences discrimination, she further underlined the importance of strengthening the Security Council's functions. There are also rumours that China is adamantly opposed to India's request for permanent membership.


Who is Richa Kamboj

As India's Permanent Representative to the UN from August 2022, Ruchira Kamboj is an Indian Foreign Service officer from the 1987 batch. She has previously held the positions of India's High Commissioner to South Africa, Bhutan's first female ambassador, and India's ambassador and permanent representative to UNESCO in Paris. She was both the 1987 Foreign Service batch topper and the All India women's topper in the Civil Services batch.

Kamboj was India's designated ambassador and permanent representative to the UN in New York on June 21, 2022. She will be the first female Permanent Representative of India to the UN following her appointment. On August 1, 2022, she took office as PR-designate, or the Permanent Representative of India to the UN.


India as a Non-Permanent Member in UNSC

India has been chosen as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the Asia-Pacific region. With 184 votes out of 192, India has overwhelmingly won the right to join the UNSC as a non-permanent member, surpassing the minimal requirement of 128. India was elected to the United Nations Security Council for the eighth time. The seven previous times India has served were in 1950–1951; 1967–1968; 1972–1973, 1977–1978; 1984–1985; 1991–1992; and 2011–2012. To advance international peace, security, resilience, and equity, India should cooperate with the other members.


About UNSC

  • Maintaining international peace and security is the responsibility of the United Nations Security Council, one of the six main UN bodies.

  • Among its powers are the creation of international sanctions, the authorization of military action through Security Council resolutions, and the establishment of peacekeeping operations.

  • It is the only UN body that has the power to provide member nations with legally enforceable resolutions.

  • There are fifteen members of the Security Council. The five permanent members of the organization are the United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

  • Any substantive Security Council resolution, including those about the admittance of new member states or candidates for Secretary-General, is subject to the veto power of these permanent members.

  • Ten non-permanent members of the Security Council are also present; they are chosen regionally to serve two-year terms. Every month, a member of the body takes turns serving as president.

  • Every Security Council member is entitled to one vote. The Security Council makes decisions on issues by a majority vote of nine members, which includes the permanent members' concurring votes. A vote of "No" from one of the five permanent members prevents the resolution from passing.

  • Any UN member who is not a Security Council member may participate, without casting a vote, in the discussion of any issue presented before the council if the council determines that the member's interests are particularly affected.




Courtesy/By: PARAM SAKET SARANG | 2024-02-18 01:42