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Plane Grounded in France over Human Trafficking carrying over 300 Indian Passengers

Courtesy/By: Shivam Gupta | 2023-12-30 18:50     Views : 274


A Plane that had been grounded in France for days over concerns that its mostly Indian passengers were part of a human trafficking probe. Human trafficking is a serious crime that violates the human rights and dignity of millions of people around the world. It includes the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons using, force, coercion, fraud, deception or abuse of power for the citation which includes sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery, removal of organs or other forms.

 On December 22nd, 2023, a plane carrying 303 Indian passengers was dramatically grounded in France over concerns of human trafficking. This incident shines a spotlight on the complex issue of human trafficking and the international legal framework in place to combat it. The Airbus A340 had initially been bound for Nicaragua when it was detained on Thursday last week at Vatry airport, east of Paris, where it stopped for refuelling.

 The French authorities received an anonymous tip-off that the plane was carrying potential victims of human trafficking, and they detained the plane for investigation.


International Concern and Framework

The case resonated beyond foreign raising questions about the vulnerabilities faced by migrant workers, particularly those from developing nations. Among the passengers, there were minors which heightened concerns.

International law offers a multiple-pronged approach to combat Human Trafficking. The Palermo protocol adopted in 2000 and entered into force in 2003 has been ratified by more than 175 countries, it is a supplementary protocol to the UN Convention against Transnational organized Crimes as a framework, defining human trafficking in persons, especially Women and Children.

Key aspects of the Protocol:-

  •   Prohibition 
  •   Protection
  •   Prevention
  •   Prosecution

The protocol defines human trafficking as the obligations of states to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish the crime and to protect and assist the victims.

Another international instrument is the Convention the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women), which was adopted in 1979 came into force in 1981 and was ratified by 189 countries including France and India. It is a human rights treaty that affirms the rights of women and girls to equality, dignity and freedom from violence and discrimination.


Applying the Framework

The French Authorities, acting under the protocol’s framework, launched an investigation by interviewing passengers and utilising travelling documents. While some passengers expressed ire for Asylum, highlighting potential exploitation or coercion, others boarded a different flight back to India behind a sense of unease and unanswered questions.

 They arrested two suspects and later released them after finding no evidence of any crime. Then they allowed the plane operated by a Romanian charter company to depart for Mumbai after four days, with 276 passengers on board. The remaining 25 passengers, including two minors, sought asylum in France.

 The Indian embassy in Paris said it was working with freFrenchthorities for the welfare of the detained passengers and said that it was taking steps to prevent such incidents in the future, such as strengthening the regulation of recruitment agencies, enhancing the awareness and protection of migrant workers, and increasing cooperation with other countries to combat human trafficking.



In conclusion, the grounding of the plane is not an isolated incident. It raised questions about the security and screening procedures at the airports involved, as well as the motives and conditions of the passengers. Some experts and activists have also expressed doubts about the release of the plane and have called for a thorough and independent investigation of the case.

This incident is a call to action, urging us to uphold the principles enshrined in International law and work collectively to dismantle the machinery of human trafficking.

Courtesy/By: Shivam Gupta | 2023-12-30 18:50