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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 15:03     Views : 324

Every star that we see on the screen or whom we idolise, inspired by and worship often have a team of lawyers who work behind the scene for the stars. They help the stars in negotiating deals and solving disputes. Entertainment law has a dynamic nature and due this very nature, entertainment law comprises of many legal fields. The field of entertainment law comprises of many legal fields such as Intellectual Property Right (IPR), Employment Law and the International Law. The lawyers who expertise in the field of entertainment law also take up on many rules, talent management, take on the role of legal counsel for the star or company, but due to their closeness to the stars and entertainers, they are required to sign a Non- Disclosure agreement. This prevents the lawyers from disclosing the personal details and lives of the stars and entertainers to the public or media. The field or sector of entertainment law can be divided into several categories such as the music industry; record companies etc. this arises due to several illegal or pirated leaks in the internet.

The print and publishing media usually have disputes or issues that arise with models, agencies, general Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) disputes etc. Issues usually arise due to breach of contracts, and the issues or disputes related to this is very common.

The visual arts and theatre companies face a very wide variety of disputes which are legal issues, including lease agreements etc. the employment of many members in the cast and crew generates a lot of labour and employment opportunities which also results in disputes and legal issues relating the labour and employment services.

Public figures usually have a right known as right of publicity or personality rights. This right can be used by the public figures in cases where he or she would like to control the use of his image, name or brand for commercial purposes. This right allows the public figures to gain compensation through a legal process from companies who closely resemble the models brand without their permission. This right also prevents unauthorised usage of their brands.

In conclusion, Entertainment law is a branch of law which mainly deals with the field of entertainment and focuses on this field exclusively. This field has a wide scope and offers various experiences and opportunities.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 15:03