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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 15:30     Views : 370

Human rights is a concept that has been constantly developing throughout the human history. These rights have always been tied to religion, customs, laws in a very complex and complicated manner. The human needs and interests have always changed the standard of human rights. The human rights law deals with the internationally agreed values, rules or standards in a very detailed manner. Human rights are those rights which a human being obtains simply because he is a human. They are the basic and minimum entitlement that are set for a human to live in dignity. Amparo Thomas defines human rights as, “universal legal guarantees that belong to all human beings and which protect the individual and/or groups from actions and omissions of the state and some non-state actors that affect fundamental human dignity.”

Corruption is a very serious issue in todays world. The word corruption is derived from the word corruption which means “moral, decay, wicked behaviour, putridity or rottenness”. The meaning of the word corruption differs from region to region. Usually corruption is defined as “an illegal act that involves the abuse of a public trust or office for some private benefit.” Or “the misuse of public office for private gain.” But these definitions clearly are confined to the public and not the private sector.

Corruption and human rights are linked to each other. Corruption has a huge impact on human rights as it effects the very nature of human dignity and equality. The United Nations by some special procedures have declared that wherever corruption exists there will be some violation of human rights.

Corruption is a widespread problem and it has a very huge impact on human rights. It is violation of human rights. Prevention of corruption is very important for the realisation of human rights. When human rights are guaranteed in general and it is ensured that there is participation and non-discrimination, it will reduce the events of corruption.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 15:30