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Courtesy/By: SKUND PATHAK | 2020-05-01 21:57     Views : 279

No one needs to choose between medicine and other necessity. No one needs to use the emergency room every time a child gets sick. And no one needs to live in constant fear that a medical problem will become a financial crisis.

Fighting with this statement and various disasters India needs to take some steps against it. Therefore, in 2005 we passed an ACT Disaster Management Act 2005. Disaster means a sudden accident or natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life. Clearly sudden accident or natural, words directly clarify that we have no control over them, but somehow, we can take precautionary steps to deal with them. Now talking about the act, the act provides for the effective management of disaster and for matter connected there with or incidental thereto. The act was enacted on December 23, 2005 and came into force on July 26, 2006.

The Disaster Management Act mandates the Central Government to establish NDMA as nodal authority with prime minister as its ex-officio chairperson. Further, it has maximum nine members nominated by Chairman (Prime Minister). The Chairman can nominate any of the nine members also as Vice-chairman of NDMA. The NDMA meetings are conducted by the Chairman and such meetings are called for as and when PM thinks fit. Officers, employees and consultants to the authority are provided by the Central Government. The Disaster Management Act provides for a detailed action plan right from the central government to the district and local levels to draw, implement and execute a disaster management plan. According to the act, a national disaster management authority will function under the chairman-ship of the prime minister. Similarly, the state disaster management authorities will be under the chief ministers and the district disaster management authorities under the district magistrates. The national authority would be the nodal body and lay down all the plans and policies assisted by the secretaries of various ministries and department heads. This was all about the working and functioning of Act.

Health is what we are running for. Every human neighboring is working for a better lifestyle and health comes as pre-conditional. When we notice, we came across indeed health emergencies indulged past years. Talking about India, Chikungunya, Dengue fever, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), Cholera, Ebola etc. were some of them. Statically every year 1,00,00 to 1,30,000 people die due to Cholera, more than 1.25 million people were affected by Chikungunya and Ebola was one of the dangerous till date. Hopefully we always found vaccines to fight against them. Entering 2020 we were introduced with COVID-19 one virus which is continuously eating human life. There been more than 30,00,000 confirmed cases and more than 10,00,000 deaths all over world. Its origin is still a mystery some says it was originated in a lab of Wuhan, China but Wuhan virology lab chief denies COVID-19 originated from its shelter and says it cannot be man-made. Some believes it is transferred from animals like Civet Cats, Racoon Dogs, Bats, etc. So, started from China, now every second country is affected by this. To fight against this, following lockdown is the best we can do to break this chain of coronavirus, we can stop its spread by small precautions. This pandemic situation will not only affect our health but will be very deleterious for our country’s economy. As compared to other countries coronavirus got less success in spreading its legs in India, as our government soon took preventive and important measures to restrict its spread. Government first imposed 144 fettering public gathering, public places, educational institutes were closed in order to prevent public gathering. One day Janta curfew was also announced, it was for public and by public. Everyone was asked to been in their houses. It was successfully performed by everyone. But the cases kept on increasing each day, therefore, lockdown for 21 days was announced, public transport including metros, railways, airlines are close, universities and markets are close, industries are gridlocked, only hospitals and medical shops are directed to be open. Complete social distancing is the agenda. Everyone is told to wash and sanitize their hands, put on masks not to go out until an emergency hit. Government also started announcing do’s and don’ts. Precautionary videos flooded in social media, celebrities too helped in spreading the awareness. Government also instructed people not to remove their employees, workers from job. Government asked the landlords to not force any tenant for rent, also daily rations were provided in government vehicles to home. People in return are following the law disciplinary, also thanked and praised our doctors and police officers by taking out their time and giving respect by clapping in their balconies. Instead of panicking we have to fight against this pandemic together, we all are in this together. But there are still some people who are not obeying government norms, they are still stepping out of their houses without any relevant reason, there are shopkeepers still opening their shops to earn profits even in this pandemic situation, they are doing no good or justice to anyone. Everyday our police officer or doctors who are out of their home to protect us are facing problems due to some stubborn people. In some states people are scared to get tested for the coronavirus. Some are roaming, selling vegetables, rations, amid lockdown. This is not appreciable at all. No one likes being quarantined for so long but in situation like this everyone should contribute to fight against this terrible virus.

As in India we also have less beds in hospitals so government has taken a step to provide good and effective health services by converting train coaches, PGs. Schools, hotels, etc. into isolation wards. Patients of corona and doubted to be corona positive are kept in isolation. Also, an AAROGYA SETU AAP is launched to track the nearby corona affected people, a Bluetooth-based COVID-19 tracker. Government help desks were created, social sites were formed to provide useful information and updates about the COVID-19. Government planned and divided the places into three zones red, yellow and green. Red zone is highly affected with positive patients, also marked as hotspot area. Coronavirus Hotspot is an area in a district where six or more people have been tested positive of coronavirus. The area is earmarked based on probability of high degree of spread and people’s response to call for home stay. This helps us much more to know which place is safe and which has work pending. Till date in India total number of cases is more than 33000 and more than 1000 deaths but still Our doctors are working day and night and recovered more than 8000 people. Also, we have improved the rate of recovery from 13.06% to 24.91%.
With a positive side we can say that this is our time to say sorry to our mother earth and let her recover to serve us again. It is the time when we all together have to battle and do our best to eradicate the virus from our lives and start our engines cleaned and purified.

“COVID-19 will reshape our world. We don’t yet know when this crisis will end. But we can be sure that by the time it does, our world will look very different. Nothing stays for too long, we can and we will fight against this together.”

Courtesy/By: SKUND PATHAK | 2020-05-01 21:57