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ITC, Consumer Goods Companies, facing problem over coronavirus, work warnings.

Courtesy/By: Srishty Jaiswal | 2020-05-05 10:40     Views : 260

ITC, Consumer Goods Companies, facing problem over coronavirus, work warnings.

NEW DELDI: ITC is one of the India’s top consumer goods companies with their annual sales of $ 11 billion and it producing the staples such as flour, noodles, biscuits and it also country’s biggest cigarette manufacturer.

The problems, which are facing by ITC food plants at Pune in Maharashtra and in Karnataka, the firms which faces, labour issues and due to COVID-19, lockdown forced the workers to return to their home. Because of this, the attendance of some workers in April was irregular while some had not reported at all, even when the factories were open..

On Monday, May 4, 2020, Consumer goods giant ITC has warned of their some workers of disciplinary action and cuts their salary for their missing work during the COVID-19 crises and persuasion a showdown with unions.

ITC said that irrespective of their presence in the last month, then also more than 50,000 workers have been paid and then it gave notice on dated April 29, 2020 to employees of two food factories and in notices mentioned that “absence without leaves” would leads to salary cuts and “disciplinary action” without elaborating.

In the response of the company’s notice to employees, ITC Food Employees Union in Pune, wrote a letter to the company in criticize the move and in letter, it is point out that many workers were return to their villages and many were still in their area under lockdown. And ITC said in their notice that Company take care about the safety measure and the union in response said that the safety measure only available under the factory but the workers, who are travelling in unsafe  conditions and area without masks and social distancing, then what about their safety measures out of the factory.

Employees Union said in its letter, on dated April 30, that “You are forcing more workers to report to duty which may put us all in danger” even in the COVID-19 crises.



Courtesy/By: Srishty Jaiswal | 2020-05-05 10:40