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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-11 14:21     Views : 353

Drug branding raises a very important trademark principles and many important trademark laws and principles have arisen in the field of pharmaceutical branding. Every single medicine while being prepared has an active ingredient, this ingredient usually produces therapeutic effects and it has a generic name and a chemical name. The chemical name is long, complicated and contains numbers to indicate its molecular proposition. It is not easy to remember the molecular name of the product and hence, the product is remembered by its generic name among the population. The generic name is usually prepared through the
scientific uses and the treatment sought in those drugs.

The drug’s medicinal preparation usually has a brand name which is chosen as an entity while making the brand name and this brand name is the trademark for that medicine. This trademark owner has exclusive rights over this brand name. Similarly, if the drug is patented, then the licensee will be producing the medicine which includes the drug as the medicine. Trademark law provides legal security to the brands. When defined in detail, trademark is a mark which has the capability of distinguishing one good from another. The trademark registration is not necessary. Remedies are, however, available to registered as well as
unregistered patents. In case of unregistered trademarks, the tort of passing off is a remedy available. If one trademark is said to infringe another, the two trademarks are compared in order to solve the dispute.

The era of branding of pharma products a re where the principles of trademark, public interest and industry practices all coincide. The process of branding usually involves removing confusion from marketplace and providing a health care which is affordable. But there are some issues which may have to be looked in comprehensively and present predictability in the market.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-11 14:21