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Courtesy/By: Sushma Shivaswamy Gowda | 2020-04-02 17:44     Views : 370

                                                                                                             COMPANY FORMATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      By sushma gowda



Company is a legal entity formed to operate a business by the group of individuals. It can be a public or private company. Company is formed to do business activities and to earn profit with it or it can be non-profit.

Before starting a company it requires legal documentations and procedure’s to follow. Company is the artificial legal person different from its members and have its own rights and responsibility.


During the formation of the company one must consider what kind of Company/firm/Limited Liability Partnership one need to form, and legal obligations goes as per the requirements.

Private companies can be formed by 2 or more person and it can be limited by shares or limited by guarantee.

In case of public company it be formed by 7 or more person.

And in one person company by one person as a private Company.



Promotion stage where person build enterprises and sum up people who are involved in it.


Registration is the Second stage of Formation of company. Where company get registered under companies act 2013with ROC (Register of Company) and after all the compliances they get Certificate of incorporation.


After getting Certificate of incorporation be it a private limited or public limited company one can start a Business.

In case of public company having a share capital need to follow Capital Subscription Stage.


  1. As various documents need to be signed by the managing director, director, manager or secretary of the company. It become compulsory to obtain DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for at least 1 director to sign E-form related to incorporation under INC-1

Note:- However Form INC-1 got expired and it has been advised by the government instead to use SPICe (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically) Form.

  1. Under Section 153 of the Companies Act 2013.

The person who wanted to be Director of the company must obtain DIN(Director Identification number) by giving application for allotment in Form DIR-3

  1. Form DIR-12

Articles of Association( AOA) as first director of Company his interest in other company or firm and consent to act as director must be filed in Form DIR-12 along (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014

After Incorporation within a period of 30 days should be verified by registrar as per Sec 12(2) of Companies act 2013, any change in registered office should be notified within period of 15 days as with fee as provided in the Companies per Sec 12(4) of Companies Act 2013. In Form INC-22

  1. FORM INC-22

As per Section 25 of Companies (incorporation) Rules, 2014, it is filed for verification of registered office.

  1. E-FORM 7

It Deals with incorporation of new company apart from one Person company. It includes documents such as MOA/AOA, Evidence of payment of stamp duty and details of subscriber and director

     After getting reservation of name in form INC-1 within 60      days one need to file E-form 7.

After filing all the information and forms with registrar of company. If Roc is satisfied with documents provided they will give Certificate of Incorporation in Form no INC 11 as directed by the rule 18 of Companies (incorporation) Rules, 2014

the specimen signature and latest photograph duly verified by the banker or notary shall be in the prescribed Form No. INC.10.

Declaration form shall be signed by either chartered Accountant, Company secretary or Cost Accountant in practice shall certify.

Registrar will allocate CIN (Certificate of incorporation in India) to the Company after successful incorporation.

If the information submitted while incorporation is false or incorrect or represent suppressing material facts all the person responsible for that will come under Fraud Under Section 447 such as Promoter, First Director etc.. After such disagreement NCLT will make follow order

  1. Pass an order to regulate the management of company
  2. Make the liability of its member unlimited
  3. Order removing of Company from the register of incorporation
  4. Order winding-up etc.

Before Passing reasonable opportunity of being heard must be given.

One can download forms from

Courtesy/By: Sushma Shivaswamy Gowda | 2020-04-02 17:44