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Courtesy/By: RAISHA ROUT | 2020-06-29 00:28     Views : 430



 The time that every sector and every department is going through has a lot to deal with. when we look into the executives it is becoming very crucial for them to implement the proper laws in the state because of the changes that took place due to the COVID situations, the legislatures are also facing a very difficult time as they have a lot of rules and regulations to make and when we look into the judiciary, on the other hand, the court halls are closed and several cases are pending in the court hall and the same with the mediation centres. The Delhi high court approved the project of samadhan online mediation project which aimed at holding the mediation session online in the form of video conferencing till the time accepts the holding of court sessions. The court directed the samadhan online mediation project to hold the mediation sessions through CISCO WEBEX. The pending, as well as the Fresh cases, will be dealt through this project. All the disputes between the parties will be resolved through the video conferencing without the physical presence in the court hall of Delhi high court mediation and conciliation centre. As per the data of the mediation centre, there are 856 pending cases.

The court rules and regulation for the online mediation project are as follows :

  • The centre has to fix the early date before the commencement of the session. Once an order has been issued the same shall be emailed to the mediator and the mediator shall take the initiative to coordinate the same with the parties and inform about the link of the session with the respective date and time.
  • Mediation centre shall pass an order to maintain the secrecy.
  • Once the session is completed successfully if it is ended and the parties needs are being solved the mediator shall prepare “ settlement of draft “containing the digital signature and shall be sent to the court.
  • If the case is not solved then the mediator shall by due notice inform the new dates to the parties.
  • The party who is wanting to seek the mediation help shall email the application to the centre.
  • And the party shall also make a payment of Rs21,000 or Rs20,000 towards the mediation charges and Rs 1000 towards the administrative charges.
  • Then the process shall be initiated and the mediator shall be appointed and the mediator will send the email towards the other side for the initiation of the process.
  • In case the email is not acknowledged, the final notice shall be sent for a date not later than 10days and if the final notice also returns without acknowledgement or the opposite party refuses to participate then the matter shall be closed as a non -starter.
  • The amount deposited by the person who has initiated the process shall be returned the deposited amount of Rs.20,000



Courtesy/By: RAISHA ROUT | 2020-06-29 00:28