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Coronavirus: An impact on Global Economy

Courtesy/By: Niharika Shukla | 2020-04-02 21:00     Views : 313

CORONAVIRUS: An impact on Global Economy

The Coronavirus outbreak, which was originated in China, has affected whole world, its population and global economy. It has left businesses around the world counting cost.

Global shares take a hit:

Big shifts in stock markets, where shares in companies are bought and sold, can affect many investments in pensions or individual savings accounts (ISAs).

The impact of Coronavirus on stock markets:

Investors fear the spread of the coronavirus will destroy economic growth and that government action may not be enough to stop the decline.

In response, central banks in many countries have slashed interest rates.

That should, in theory, make borrowing cheaper and encourage spending to boost the economy.

Travel among hardest hit:

The travel industry has been badly damaged, with airlines cutting flights and tourists cancelling business trips and holidays. Governments around the world have introduced travel restrictions to try to contain the virus.

Consumers stockpiling food:

Supermarkets and online delivery services have reported a huge growth in demand as customers stockpile goods such as toilet paper, rice and orange juice as the pandemic escalates.

Factories in China slowed down:

In China, where the coronavirus first appeared, industrial production, sales and investment all fell in the first two months of the year, compared with the same period in 2019.

Chinese industrial production fell by 13.5% in the first two months of the year. To overcome from this hard time, Chinese carmaker companies have started to sell car online to continue the car sales in the lockdown situation and keep the customers to stay away from the showroom.

Growth set to stagnate:

If the economy is growing, that generally means more wealth and more new jobs. It's measured by looking at the percentage change in gross domestic product, or the value of goods and services produced, typically over three months or a year.

The world's economy could grow at its slowest rate since 2009 this year due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Oil price hit bottom:

Likewise, oil has slumped to to prices not seen since June 2001. Investors fear that the global spread of the virus will further hit the global economy and demand for oil.

The oil price had already been affected by a row between Opec, the group of oil producers, and Russia. Coronavirus has driven the price down further.

The value of gold is jumping back:

When a crisis hits, investors often choose less risky investments. Gold is traditionally considered a "safe haven" for investment in times of uncertainty.

But even the price of gold tumbled briefly in March, as investors were fearful about a global recession.

Thus, Covid-19 has affected the world economy in the worst way out of many past years in the global market. Even though it is affecting the population and international market, the priority of whole world is to control this virus and save the lives of lakhs of people who are suffering daily due to this flu. Whole world is looking forward to control the current recession in the international currency once this virus is controlled by the biological technology.








Courtesy/By: Niharika Shukla | 2020-04-02 21:00