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Procedure for grant of licence for transmission and distribution electricity
Courtesy/By: Shardul Srivastava | 2020-07-15 23:03 Views : 305
Procedure for grant of licence for transmission and distribution electricity
- The application for grant of licence must be addressed to the commission in form I appended to these regulations and shall also be accompanied by such fee as may be specified by the central government from time to time.
- In case of any applicant selected for implementations of the project in accordance with the guidelines provided for competitive bidding, the application shall be also containing such additional information as prescribed under these guidelines.
- The application shall be supported by affidavit of the person acquainted with the facts state therein.
- Before making an application,, the applicant shall serve a copy of application on each of the long term customers of the project and shall submit evidence to the effect along with ate application and shall also post the complete application along with the annexures and closures on its website , the particulars of which should be given in the application
- The application shall be kept on the website till such time the license is issued or the application is rejected by the commission
- Immediately after making the application, the applicant shall forward the copy of application to the central transmission utility
- The applicant shall within 7 days after making the application publish a notice of its application in form II attached to these regulation in at least two renowned daily newspaper one in English and one in vernacular language having their circulation in each state or union territory where an element of the project or a long term customer is situated, in the same language as of daily newspaper in which the notice of application is published
- As far as possible within the 7 days of the recipe of the application the secretariat of the commission shall convey defects if any if noticed on preliminary scrutiny of the application for rectification and the defects conveyed shall be rectified by the applicant in such a time as may be specified
- In the noticed Published in the newspaper under clause7 it shall have indicated that suggestions and objections of any on the application may be filled before the secretary CERC with a copy to the applicant by any person including the long-term structure customer within 30 days of the publication of notice
- And date and place of their publication shall also file before the commission the relevancy copies of the newspaper in original in which the notice has been published.
- The central transmission utility se d its recommendations if any to the commission on the proposal made in the application with a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of application received. Provided that copy of recommendation if any made shall be forwarded to the applicant.
- Before granting a licence the commission shall also publish a notice of its proposal in any two daily news as the commission may consider appropriate stating the name and address of the person to whom the it proposes the grant of licence, details of project for which it proposes licence, location, route of the elements of the project in addition to other details that the commission may consider appropriate to invite further suggestions and objections in its proposal.
- The commission may after consideration of the further suggestion and objections if any received in response to the public notice as aforesaid grant licences as nearly as practicable in form III attached to such a regulations or for reason to have recorded in writing, reject the application if such application is not in accordance with the provisions of the act, the rules or regulations made thereunder or any other law for the time being in force or for any other valid reason as specified.
- The commission shall within 15 days of making the order to grant license send a copy of the licence to the central govt. The central electricity authority the central transmission utility the applicant and long-term customer.
Courtesy/By: Shardul Srivastava | 2020-07-15 23:03