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Trump Revokes Rule Against Online Classes

Courtesy/By: Siddharth Kate | 2020-07-17 16:48     Views : 351

Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the world in a manner like nothing before. Covid-19 pandemic is a never seen before circumstance. It has taken a toll on everything from economy to education, everything. Everything has come to a complete standstill. Students from around the world have suffered because of this pandemic. Educational Institutions have been stumped with the rigid regulations imposed by the Governments. Students have all gone to their respective homes. The foreign students who moved into a different nation to pursue studies have also returned home, to their nations. The colleges and universities have decided to conduct online classes via video calls so that students don’t miss out on learning and their education is not hampered.

The American President, Mr. Donald Trump, however in very shocking news had announced on 6th July, that the US would strip all the foreign students who attended online classes of their Visas and they wouldn’t be able to return to the US to their colleges/universities once they resume. The re-application for Visa and securing one takes time and students might lose a lot if it is to happen. Fearing this, the students around the world have not been attending online lectures organized by their colleges and/or universities. This announcement was met with hostility and rejection not just by the foreign students but also by the colleges and the universities in the US. There has been nation-wide resistance to this announcement.

Numerous lawsuits have been filed against Trump’s administration in response to this announcement by many large and reputed educational institutions such as Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), California Public School and a coalition of 17 states. This kind of reaction put the Trump administration under tremendous pressure. After considering all of it, the Trump administration has revoked the rule within a week from issuing it. This now means that the Trump administration will not be stripping Visa of any student. It also means that the students can attend online lectures organized by their respective colleges and/or universities.

Courtesy/By: Siddharth Kate | 2020-07-17 16:48